Websites and helplines that could support you are listed below:
Mental health
Anxiety UK are a charity which provides support if you’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety condition. Their infoline number is 03444 775 774.
Every Mind Matters is an NHS campaign to support everyone to look after their own mental health.
Mind are a mental health charity which supports people with mental health problems. Their infoline number is 0300 123 3393.
No Panic are a charity which helps people who suffer from panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders and other related anxiety disorders. Their helpline number is 0844 967 4848.
Papyrus is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. Their Hopeline number is 0800 068 41 41.
Samaritans provide confidential support for anyone experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Their free helpline number is 116 123.
Cruse Bereavement Care offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies. Their free helpline number is 0808 808 1677.
Family Lives give access to active support and understanding on all aspects of family life. Their helpline number is 0808 800 2222.
Positive about Down syndrome provides information and support to new and expectant parents of a little one with Down syndrome.
Down syndrome UK has a wealth of resources, information and support for parents at any stage of their journey.
Relate are the UK’s largest provider of relationship support.