My partner has had a miscarriage
If your partner has suffered the loss of your baby by miscarriage, it is likely to have been a challenging time for you as a couple and for both of you as individuals. Everyone is different: not everyone is affected by grief in the same way or for the same length of time, and this sometimes causes tension within the relationship. There are often confusing emotions rising to the surface at unpredictable times and you may feel a sense of helplessness as you try to comfort and support each other.
An early miscarriage is difficult as friends are possibly unaware that your partner was ever pregnant; a later miscarriage brings the pain of disappointment that you will never hold or get to know the baby you had begun to love and care for.
Everyone's experience is different. Many turning to agencies such as ourselves, are relieved to discover that there is support and help available. This enables them to face and deal with certain feelings and emotions and equips them to move forward.